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Student Life > Chapel

Weekly Chapel Services

The Cornerstone of JCA

At Journey Christian Academy, we believe in fostering a nurturing environment that supports the spiritual, academic, and social growth of our students. Our weekly chapel services are a cornerstone of this experience, providing opportunities for students to:

Spiritual Formation

Engage in worship, explore scripture, and deepen their faith.

Explore (1)
Explore Faith

Our chapel services offer a safe space for students to ask questions, share their faith journeys, and learn from one another in a supportive and encouraging community.

Grow Faith

Through engaging worship experiences, exploration of scripture, and inspiring messages, our chapel services help students develop a deeper understanding of their faith.

Building Together

Explore faith journeys, build community, and serve their world.

Build Family

Chapel services bring students, faculty, and staff together as a school family, fostering a sense of belonging and connection rooted in shared values.

Serve Community

Chapel services often incorporate opportunities for service learning, inspiring students to apply their faith and compassion to the world around them.